Every effort has been made to accurately represent these programs and their potential impact on your life. Any testimonial content is indicative of creatives who experienced exceptional results from working with Desiree Mee Jung, and their results will not always apply to the average consumer of this or similar offerings. Testimonials neither represent nor guarantee that anyone will achieve similar results, as an individual’s success depends on background, base-level knowledge, drive, education, inspiration, personality, talent, time devoted to the program’s tools, and overall willingness to follow through the curriculum offered herein.
Confidentiality is expected out of respect for all participants.
The information provided via these pages does not represent a recipe for financial success or even a promise of increased confidence. Application is up to you! The curriculum elements provided at this site are intended for educational and inspirational purposes only and do not constitute any type of diagnosis or financial or psychological recommendation. Nothing we provide herein is intended to replace care that is better received from qualified professionals in the financial, legal, medical, psychological, and psychiatric fields. Our work together is not a substitute for a medical or clinical diagnosis or treatment.
Irrespective of the level of coaching in which you engage, no member of the team is personally responsible for your actions nor your results. As with any career endeavor, there is the inherent risk of loss of capital and absolutely no guarantee of financial success or achieve any specific results by following the tools outlined in these course materials.